Energy Efficiency Statistics

Energy Efficiency - Official Statistics

The Government and other official bodies publish regular statistics relating to energy efficiency as a whole and the impact the various schemes and initiatives are having on the drive towards net zero.

We've included links to some of the main statistics to monitor below - others will be added as they are published:

1 ECO - Household Energy Efficiency Detailed statistics

For detailed analysis of ECO and GD Plans, along with home insulation levels across Great Britain see the following publication: 

2 Green Homes Grant / HUG Local Authority Delivery statistics

For statistics monitoring the Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery scheme across England, see the following statistics:

3 Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund statistics

For statistics monitoring the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund scheme across England, see the:

4 Smart Meters quarterly statistics

For estimates on the roll-out of Smart Meters in Great Britain, covering meters operating and meters installed, see the regularly published:

5 Renewable Heat Incentive statistics

For statistics on deployment data for the domestic and non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) to support the uptake of renewable heat, see the

6 Energy Trends

For detailed data on supply and demand of coal, oil, gas, electricity, and renewables in the United Kingdom, see the

7 Energy Consumption in the United Kingdom (ECUK)

For detailed data on end use estimates of energy in the UK, see the

8 Sub-national total final energy consumption

For findings of the sub–national energy consumption analysis in the UK for all fuels, for the period covering 1 January to 31 December, with gas consumption covering the annual period from mid-May, see the

9 Sub-national electricity consumption

For electricity consumption by consuming sector for Great Britain and devolved administration areas, see the: ​(Data based on the aggregation of Meter Point Administration Number readings as part of DESNZ’s annual meter point electricity data exercise). 

10 Sub-national gas consumption

For gas consumption by consuming sector for Great Britain, and devolved administration areas, see the: (Data based on the aggregation of Meter Point Reference Number readings throughout Great Britain as part of DESNZ’s annual meter point gas data exercise and subject to a weather correction factor to enable comparison of gas use over time).

11 Domestic Energy Interactive Map

For an interactive map for indicators of domestic energy efficiency, including the percentage of households receiving ECO measures down to Lower Layer Super Output Area up to December 2022, see the The map also shows the number of loft and wall insulation measures installed.