As you will no doubt be aware, the Senedd formally committed Wales to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. Net Zero can be defined as balancing the amount of greenhouse gases we put into the atmosphere with those we take out - the aim is to get to net zero by 2050.
The Welsh Government aim to make this transition to Net Zero in a just way. The aim is to t take every Welsh citizen with them, leave no-one behind and provide the required workforce with the skills for a greener, fairer and better future.
"We know the challenge to meet our net zero commitment is difficult but also provides us with exciting opportunities as the technologies of the future economy emerge. Preparing our workforce with future skills needs for this will require a collaborative approach across the whole economy".
As a result, on 11th October 2023, the Welsh Government launched an open consultation on the skills needed to support their transition to net zero for each emission sector in Wales.
They are consulting on:
- the findings of the Net Zero Skills Action Plan and the 8 emission sectors (as identified in Net Zero Wales)
- the current position of sectors in Wales, including any established skills groups or research/evidence reports to help inform
- the future skills needs and evidence of demand linked to key milestones (to include climate change pathways, key investments or investment opportunities, changes in industry practices aligned to carbon reduction, new technologies, key developments, policies, transitioning activities etc.
- cross-cutting themes of digital, procurement, Welsh language and Innovation to identify alignments and skills needs
- employer challenges and barriers to upskilling and accessing a skilled workforce
The outcome of this consultation will support the development of sector skills roadmaps.
"The direction of travel to meet the net zero commitments is further ahead in some emission sectors than others. Further research and consideration is needed to fully understand the size and complexity of the challenge. This will provide opportunities to explore potential solutions to secure accessibility for all and strive to ensure no one is left behind.
In some sectors there is confusion amongst the workforce, industry, businesses and stakeholders on the direction of travel and how these changes could impact on the skills of their workforce or an individual’s career pathway. There is currently limited detailed information on the overall economy wide skills landscape (including qualifications requirements) across Wales.
The consultation provides an opportunity to strengthen our understanding of the current skills position for each emission sector in Wales, as outlined in Net Zero Wales".
The consultation closes on31st December 2023. The easiest way to respond is via the online form
Online Form >>>
Alternatively, you can download a copy of the form and return by email or post:
Download a copy of the response form >>>
Complete and return to:
Complete and return to:
Employability and Skills Division
Welsh Government
Cathays Park
CF10 3NQ
On behalf of the Welsh Government we would like to thank you for your support.